Apr 25, 2009

I am back again!!!!!!

Hi everyone i am back again. I seem to be getting fatter and fatter. I dont know why food foood food arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to be like the biggest loser contestants, I want to look good and feel good. I am so fat and sluggish i feel yuk. I look in the mirror and I feel disgusted in what I see. I dont even know why my husband even wants to make love to me. I dont like what I see.

Well thats it for now.

bye sherrin

Im back!!!!!

Hi everyone, I am back I still need my motivational support from you guys. I am just finally realising, that I do need to do something about my weight. you know I mean, I know I am fat but I think I am in denial and put my head in the sand and not worry about it.
But just lately I have been looking myself in the mirror and seeing for the first time how I look. I am so fat and disgusting I am suprised that my husband even wants to make love to me. I f i feel disgusted at what i see in the mirror shouldnt he?

I dont want to be in pain when i exersice but I know when i do go for a walk I feel more energized. but I just feel so sore when i am done.And when I cut back on my foods like carbohydrates etc I feel like I am having a diabetic low. (I am diabetic 4 needles a day). I just hate that feeling.

Well thats it for now thanks for listening Sherrin

Mar 7, 2009

I am joining the online Biggest Loser Club they have so many cool stuff on the site. It tells you how much fat % you have lost exactly like on the show.

I am getting a treadmill in from fitness direct shortly and I am going to start out on that and increase it every second day.

I am going to count my calories. I dont know how much my calories are yet but when i sign up I will be able to go into the clubs actually site and start from there.

these contestants are a great motivator for me Wow look at Amanda. You go girl.
another inspiration is a lady that weighed 379kg she has lost over 200kg she looks amazing, though she wants to get her excess skin removed and she will lose and extra 40-59kgs by losing the skin. Thats one thing I am worried about.

well thats all for now. I will make this work, i will think like a skinny person, I will think positively

Mar 2, 2009

I have decided today not to do weight watchers anymore. It is just costing too much every month. I have all the books and resources, just need to start off little and each day increase little by little. that is with exersice. i feel with the pressure of going to a meeting etc.... Is just too much. I am I will achieve my goal with the love and support of my husband and child.
Just cant face the scales every week, I want to weigh myself every fortnight.

I am still going to use this blog as my emotional support etc...

well thats it.

Feb 24, 2009

A loss yipee!!!!!!

Well weigh in was monday night, and guess what yep you guessed it I lost 1.1kgs. I dont know how because my food choices last week were atrochious (I think thats how you spell it?) Im not complaining about my loss i am happy, but just was a bit shocked. As in week 6 I put on 2.6kgs the week before that I had lost 1.3 kgs so we didnt work out why i put on 2.6kgs just put it down to fluid.

I might be getting a new job which is closer to home. Its literally down the road so that means I can ride and walk to work. Its 3 days a week which is perfect for me. I find out on friday. Fingers crossed.

I couldnt believe what aj rochester said on the show big news week. She made jokes about the contestants lose skin and hang it up to dry. How very sad the people on the show were trying to give her the hint to shut up. But she carried on like a school kid in a school yard. Being a host youd think she was not allowed to say things like that about the contestants. But she did oh my god. She was my role model now i m not to sure about that now. What is she to judge when she was in the same boat as everybody else she lost 30kgs and she did it in front of the camera. How dare she. I am so disgusted at what she said.

My goal for this week is to do some exersice videos (the weight watchers video) to see if that will help with the weight loss.